2600 K Avenue, Suite #226 Plano, TX 75074

Appraisal Services Company

2X Faster Delivery & 60% Cost-Saving

Appraisal Services is a trusted provider of comprehensive appraisal services for residential and commercial properties. Our team of experienced appraisers delivers accurate and unbiased property valuations to help clients make informed decisions. We specialize in appraisals for mortgage lending, refinancing, estate planning, property tax assessments, and legal purposes. With our in-depth knowledge of local markets and adherence to industry standards, we ensure reliable and timely appraisal reports that meet the specific needs of our clients. Whether you're a homeowner, lender, attorney, or real estate professional, you can rely on Appraisal Services for professional and dependable appraisal solutions.

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Our Appraisal Services

Commitment Typing

We provide commitment typing and abstract reports in client friendly applications & other software such as Ramquest, Gators, AIMS, Softpro.

Legal Typing

We type out Legal description for current vesting deed and open mortgages according to Client’s requirement and in the format requested by the client.

Appraisal Services

We help out clients with quick, correct, and excellent real estate appraisals. We facilitate customers by making them erudite regarding their investments in residential and commercial properties. We accomplish this via customized services, each one planned to provide to your requests and requirements.

appraisal Plant Indexing

We offer nationwide appraisal plant indexing services to real estate industries. We key information from property related documents such as Deed, Deed of Trust, Lien documents, Marriage Certificates, Right of way, Easement and other documents.

Loan Payoff Calling

We provide loan payoff statements on behalf of the client by either calling or requesting online. We have the complete database of Lender's information and keep it updating time to time.

Tax Certification

We gather tax information from the Treasurer's and fill up the details in client's system.

  • Cost Savings:

    Identifying potential appraisal issues before purchasing a property can save you significant costs in the long run. By uncovering any liens, encumbrances, or legal disputes early on, you can negotiate with sellers or take appropriate measures to resolve these issues. This helps prevent unforeseen expenses, such as legal fees or having to clear appraisal defects after the purchase.

  • Peace of Mind:

    Utilizing Appraisal services provides peace of mind by giving you a clear understanding of the property's appraisal status. Knowing that the property has been thoroughly researched and any potential risks have been addressed gives you confidence in your investment. It allows you to proceed with your transaction with greater assurance and protection.

Why Should You Go for Appraisal services?

  • Accuracy and Expertise:

    Appraisal services are conducted by professionals who specialize in researching property appraisals. They have the expertise and knowledge to uncover any potential issues or discrepancies related to the property's ownership, liens, encumbrances, or other legal matters. Their thoroughness and attention to detail ensure accurate and reliable appraisal information.

  • Mitigating Risks:

    Conducting a comprehensive Appraisal Service helps identify any potential risks associated with a property. This can include outstanding mortgages, tax liens, judgments, or other claims that may impact the property's ownership rights or marketability. By addressing these issues upfront, you can mitigate risks and make informed decisions regarding the property.

  • Legal Compliance:

    Appraisal services ensure compliance with legal requirements and regulations. They follow established procedures and guidelines to conduct searches, ensuring adherence to local, state, and federal laws governing property transactions. This helps protect you from legal complications or disputes that may arise due to incomplete or inaccurate appraisal information.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Appraisal Service is a thorough examination of public records to determine the history and ownership of a property. It involves researching various documents, such as deeds, mortgages, liens, judgments, and other relevant records, to establish a clear and marketable appraisal.

A Appraisal Service is crucial because it helps uncover any potential issues or encumbrances that may affect the property's ownership or marketability. It provides essential information to buyers, lenders, and other parties involved in real estate transactions, ensuring that the property's appraisal is clear and free from any unexpected claims or disputes.

A Appraisal Service can reveal various issues, including outstanding mortgages, tax liens, judgments, easements, restrictive covenants, encroachments, and other potential claims or restrictions on the property. It also helps identify errors in public records or fraudulent activities that may impact the property's appraisal.

Yes, even if you have appraisal insurance, a Appraisal Service is still necessary. appraisal insurance provides protection against unforeseen issues, but it's important to identify and address any potential appraisal defects or risks before purchasing a property. A Appraisal Service helps ensure that the appraisal insurance policy adequately covers the property's specific circumstances.

If issues are discovered during a Appraisal Service, they need to be addressed and resolved before proceeding with a real estate transaction. The specific steps to resolve the issues will depend on the nature of the problem, and it may involve working with the appropriate parties, such as lenders, sellers, or legal professionals, to rectify the appraisal defects.

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